Monday, September 8, 2008


So, a little over a week ago... that fun little germ that is spreading its way across our season-changing country made its way into my body and attacked my poor little immune system. However, with the help of Wild Oats/Whole Foods I was able to buy the ingredients necessary in order to make a soup which I am now convinced saved me from a sinus infection (which I ALWAYS get after a cold). OK...the soup plus Netty Pot, grapefruit seed extract, 10 glasses of water a day, hot showers, Sambu Guard, and a humidifier.

I researched every home remedy for colds, and these are the main cold-fighting foods all in one delicious spicy soup! The following recipe can be modified to your little heart's desire, but the effects must always be attributed to yours truly.


Kick-That-Cold-Goodbye-Soup ...from the kitchen of Linnea Bjorkman


1 box "Pacific Natural Foods" Organic Cashew Carrots and Ginger Soup
1 1/4 finely chopped onion
10 cloves minced garlic (your partner doesn't want to kiss you right now anyway)
1/2'' to 1'' finely chopped ginger root
12 oz can "Seeds of Change" Red Hot Curry Simmer Sauce
3 to 4 cups almond milk
2 chopped carrots
1 minced jalapeno pepper
1 chopped green pepper
1 1/2 chopped zucchini
1 chopped turmeric root
Olive oil

Pour the box of soup in a large pot, on low heat. Just let it simmer, covered, while you do the rest.

Chop the onion and mince the garlic. Heat 1 Tbs or so olive oil in a fry pan, and cook the onion and garlic until they are transparent. Add about 1/3 can of the curry sauce, and let simmer, covered, for about 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the carrots, jalapeno pepper, green pepper, zucchini, and turmeric. Poor the onions, garlic, and curry mixture into the pot with the simmering soup. Give it a stir and cover. Add more olive oil to the fry pan. If your pan is big enough, do the following with all the veggies together (if not, you can separate them and do the same thing twice, dividing the remainder of the curry sauce for each batch). Put the veggies into the pan and cook them for 5-10 minutes. When they are almost the consistency that you enjoy (I like a little crunch), add the remaining 2/3 can of curry sauce. Let this cook, covered, for about 5 minutes so that the veggies catch some of the flavors. Poor this mixture, also, into the soup. Add salt and pepper to taste. Leave it to simmer until you think it seems ready!

Seriously, your sinuses will thank you.

With love to all immune systems,