Friday, December 28, 2007

what is about to become my past

To tell you the truth, I can't remember the guy that came up with the theory... but it is one of the only things I remember from my Freshmen Seminar at Gustavus, "Infinity". He said that from wherever you are standing in a room there are an infinite amount of steps to get to the door. You can never actually get to the door because you can always step half the remaining distance.

This is a picture of me standing next to a hip-deep drift of snow in Wisconsin 10 days before my flight to Santiago, Chile. The time between this moment and the moment my flight takes off the ground (Jan. 2nd) seems to be an infinite amount of time. Its difficult to imagine standing in a foreign land of 85 degree weather, when I'm currently surrounded by snow and everything familiar.

All I can say is: es tiempo de vivir.

English doesn't do this phrase justice, but basically it means, "it is time to live". There is very little wisdom that I possess. Knowledge, to be sure. But wisdom is hard to come by. I was talking to a friend (and you know who you are), and he said, "Life is just a series of moments." I combine this with my favorite Buddhist writer, Thich Nhat Hahn, who says that the only moment we have is now. The past is gone, and the future is not yet here. So, the only moment we have to live in... is this moment.

SO. I stand in the snow. I live. Now. And I also smile as I anticipate the infinite amount of moments that are to come.

I look forward to sitting in an internet cafe in Orsno or Cordoba, and telling you stories about what is about to become my past.

Es tiempo de vivir,



Jason Nota said...

Looking forword to hearing more. Why you going to Saniago, Chile? Missions trip? Humanitarian effort? New life in foreign country?

swedie said...

Nea...I love what you shared here! Mom