Saturday, January 19, 2008


1. The mix for the wall of the kiosco.
2. Me sucking the air out of bottles so the juice enters
3. The bread I helped Ignacio make!


This is another most used word here, on the farm at least. Entones... we will go out to the field with the zapas (I think we call them hoes in english... but i cant trust my english these days!) Entonces... we will go to the galpon and cut ciruelas (plums).

I am learning so much on the farm. Its 1 week and 1 day since my arrival. Here is what I have done:
Cut durasnos (nectarines) for juice, jam, etc... and ate as many as I cut.
Cleaned mountains of glass bottles used for their products.
Showered an uncountable amount of times in the stream that runs by the volunteer house... paradise!
Constructed a place for the chauchas (beans) to crawl on using sticks.
Reading Mere Christianity for the first time because it happened to be in the house here.
Learned to make tea with Confriej as a natural expectorant (as I need constantly).
Harvested potatoes and replanted in the same land broccoli, cauliflower, and chicoree.
Cut carrot, and lettuce plants that they let come to flower. We will let them dry for ten days, then will be able to take out the seeds for planting!
Went for a beautiful ride in the back of the truck with a view of the mountains you wouldnt believe. We drove around looking for this particular weed that they are using to make a roof on one of the buildings.
Helped with covering a wall with an adobe-like material we made with flour, cactus juice, and sand.

Everything is natural here! The only trash I produced this week that cant be composted (including my excrement) was a rapper from an Alfahor (a chocolate candy that Maisie told me to try... mmmmm).

We went from Sunday to Thursday with hardly any water in the taps. This happens often, so they had water saved for drinking and for watering the plants. There also wasnt water in the river from Monday until yesterday! There is no refrigerator here... and we get along just fine. We wash our cloths in the river (which I love!) The food we eat is primarilly vegetables, and it is INCREDIBLE!


swedie said...

Nea...Wow!...that was quite a week!...pretty incredible how many things you did and experienced in such a brief time. The food must be wonderful! Love ya bunches! Mom:)

CatGall said...

Wow, L Dog, sounds totally boring!!

I just caught up reading your blog and it sounds amazing! Can't wait to hear more. I think I'll have to get used to a long-distance friendship... I'm not sure you're ever coming back. (Yesterday it was 11 degrees... for a high!)

Happy adventures, Cassie