Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Valparaiso, Reñaca, dulce de leche, and the beach

SO... its been...4 days, I think since I last posted. I´ve been a bit distracted by the beauty here! I ended up taking a bus on Jan. 5th to Valparaiso (with the two swedes... Marcus and Tobias... by the way, I told Marcus I would say I´m sorry in my blog for spelling his name ¨Marcos¨)

You guys should look up photos of Valparaiso... there are houses of every color on hill after hill. Right in the city! And the hostel i´m staying at (El Yoyo) is a 5 minute walk from the water front. We have spent the last 4 days walking the city, and playing at the beach in Reñaca. Reñaca is a 30 minute bus ride north of here. We go right through Viña del Mar to get there... so we´ve seen a lot of that town as well. Everything is great! The day-light hours are really long... and its really warm. We´ve had beautiful cool nights for sleeping... so everything is perfect.

Maisie... I ate Chorillana and un pastel con dulce de leche! Chorillana is french fries with beef, pieces of hotdog, onion, and egg piled all over it! Wow... I´m SO not a vegetarian in South America. I´ve also had some yummy empañadas.

The bad news of the past few days is getting some things back in order after getting my small back pack stolen. Anne, I KNOW you know what its like to be in Chile and have this happen... eh? Unfortunitly, it had a lot of valuables and stuff i use a lot... but everything will work out fine. And, yes, I have insurance. My plans are changing because I have to have a new check card sent to me. Until I can have easy access to money, I´m going to go to the farm in Argentina where i can live for free and be fed. I´ll figure out a couple weeks to do more traveling in February or something.

I guess I´ll end by thanking my family and my new friends in Chile for helping me so much during these days when I´ve been dealing with loosing my stuff. With all my heart I thank you everything.


Anders said...

Bummer, you had a run-in with the bag snatchers, but I'm glad things are working out for you. Did they get your camera? I want to see photos! All things well here in MN. Talk to you soon.

How's the food?


Linnea said...

Yeah... they got my camera... so i´m waiting for my check card so that I can buy a new one. I will hopefully post a few from the Swedes cameras. You MUST see Valparaiso. I will surely be back here some day. Its amazing!